2023/11/28 Conclusion of 【Token female voice enactment in traditionally male-dominated teams: Facilitating conditions and consequences for performance】!
2023-10-16 -
2023/10/25 Conclusion of【Regulatory Actions and Reputation Spillovers: Investor Reactions to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violations】.
2023-10-16 -
2023/10/24 Conclusion of【ESG Research and Publications Academic Event】.
2023-10-16 -
10/23 Conclusion of 【保護氣候,稅法有責?─歐盟法制發展對歐盟進口企業的挑戰】 Lecture!
2023-10-16 -
2023/10/18 Conclusion of【商學院新購資料庫簡介暨操作心得分享_S&P Transcripts】.