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1. Innovative academic research in business sustainability.

(1) Publishing journal papers to expand academic research in the field of sustainability. 
(2) Advising master's and doctoral theses on sustainability-related topics to nurture talent in sustainable management.
(3) Offering undergraduate and graduate courses on sustainability-related topics to emphasize the importance of understanding sustainability issues. 
(4) Conducting academic and corporate sustainability teacher workshops to familiarize individuals with sustainability issues and develop a pool of sustainability educators across Taiwan.
(5) Creating sustainability teaching cases to provide practical examples of sustainability-related issues.
(6) Organizing sustainability-related seminars/forums to promote academic discussions on sustainability issues, as well as corporate sustainability forums targeting business managers, government officials, and the general public to raise awareness of practical sustainability issues.


2. Assisting small and medium-sized Enterprises in implementing sustainability initiatives.

(1) Through industry-academic collaboration, with an internal "management perspective" as the core, assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in establishing sustainability activities to enhance corporate value.
(2) Expert scholars will initially develop a set of guidelines for SMEs to implement ESG, along with a roadmap for sustainability disclosure and certification.
(3) Through industry-academic collaboration, with a focus on international ESG standards, assist SMEs in constructing a sustainable implementation roadmap, disclosure practices, and certification directions.


3. Conducting financial disclosure assessment for climate-related risks in banking and insurance Industries.

(1) Host evaluations for climate-related financial disclosures in the banking and insurance industries.
(2) Collect data on climate-related financial disclosures from banks and insurance companies to establish an academic research database.
(3) Publish one practical article on climate-related financial disclosures.
(4) Publish an annual yearbook on climate-related financial disclosures in the banking and insurance industries.