2024/05/07 Dr. Hubert Pun座谈会【Application of Blockchain in the Secondary Market with Counterfeiting】报名结束

由企业永续管理研究中心举办来自加拿大西安大略大学毅伟商学院(Ivey Business School)的Dr. Hubert Pun座谈会,诚邀报名参加。

讲者:Dr. Hubert Pun
(Associate Professor, J. Allyn Taylor/Arthur H. Mingay Chair and the PhD Program Director at the Ivey Business School at Western University in Canada)

【讲座】Application of Blockchain in the Secondary Market with Counterfeiting
讲座地点:国立政治大学 商学院8楼 第一会议室
报名连结: https://forms.gle/HBzAfnYWQGkZBZFi9

Hubert pos