Dr. Chang-Ya Hu
Job Title Associate Director
Name Dr. Chang-Ya Hu
Affiliation Department of Business Administration, National ChengChi University
Office Tel No. 81008
Research Fields Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Motivation, Human Resource Management, Measurement Methodology, Employee Satisfaction Survey, Organizational Climate Survey
Academic Honors 管理學報 110 年度最佳實用價值論文獎
國立政治大學 109、107、103-104、101 年度學術研究優良獎 
109 年度 第四屆中華心理學刊最有影響力論文獎
國立政治大學 97-98 年度學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎
Asia Pacifica Journal of Management, Senior Editor
Journal of Vocational Behavior, Editorial board member
Journal of Management, Editorial board member
International Journal of Stress and Management, Editorial board member