Dr. Lien-Ti Bei
Job Title Associate Director
Name Dr. Lien-Ti Bei
Affiliation Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University
Office Tel No. 81223
Research Fields Consumer Behavior, Consumer Psychology, Brand Management, Marketing Research

The research focus of this team is on the pulling force from the market of the ESG trends.  The goal is to explore consumers’ attitudes and corresponding behaviors towards corporate ESG and sustainable movements.  The team will also promote our research results to the business sectors, in order to help enterprises keep up with market expectations and propose corresponding sustainable strategy.

Academic Honors 2017 Asia Marketing Journal 亞洲百大行銷學者
國立政治大學 102 年度學術研究優良獎
96 年度管理學報論文獎
93 年度呂鳳章先生紀念獎章 2020/6~現今《管理評論》領域副主編
《管理學報》以永續發展為目標的企業社會責任與倫理特刊主編 (2021)