Job Title | Associate Director |
Name | Dr. Wei-Chieh Su |
Affiliation | Department of International Business, National Chengchi University |
Office Tel No. | 81105 |
Responsibility | This task force mainly promotes education on sustainability such as sustainability-specific programs and micro-credit courses. |
Academic Honors | 國立政治大學 110、109、108、107、106、105 年度學術研究優良獎 108 年呂鳳章先生紀念獎 104 年吳大猷獎 111 年國科會人社研究卓越計畫(ESG 的演進、未來趨勢與價值- ESG 的演進、未來趨勢與價值)(與許永明、李曉惠共同主持) 科技部管理一學門複審委員 Editorial board member, Asia Pacific Journal of Management Editorial board member, Management and Organization Review |